Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Commit To FIT!

So... When I got back from LA for the casting of Extreme Makeover, I had a goal.. A goal to lose weight and be on the show... A film crew came... I had to send videos... Then in the end I wasnt chosen.. I thought its over, Im never going to be happy... I could of let that define me or choose to push through and get this done! But I get this call.. and its Chris Powell! It was the point where I knew I had no other option. In his voice I could tell he was hurt, he wants to see me succeed, yes I have family and friends who care.. but this guy, a person I knew for only a few days... Who him and his wife grew into two of the biggest people in my life... Family.. He told me Heidi and himself considered me family... It didnt matter that I wasnt going to have cameras following me, I was part of their family.

So there I was... my hopes of being on the show was gone.. It was me against my biggest enemy... Myself!!!

I started talking to Jakae Francis of F.I.T. Personal Training about helping her design a logo... Well as we continued to talk she decided to take me on as a client.. You might be thinking ok ya.. thats her job.. but no.. she did this for free... Taking time out of her life to help me... We started meeting every Saturday morning at 6:00am at the City Park.. The first workout was brutal.. she was having me run, bear crawl, shuffle, jump, skip up the hill there.. I thought I was going to pass out.. but knowing that she was doing this for me.. showed how much she cared!!!!

Its now 5 months later and we have grew into pretty good friends! I am part of the FIT family... She has helped me out so much that I cant even begin to explain where I would be if I didnt have her to lean on... Now we meet sometimes 3-4 times a week.. I cant see her passion she has for people and it is outstanding... Did she have to take me on as a client, no.. But she did, not for recognition, not because im just down right sexy... because she CARES!

Well FIT now has another trainer Abbey Wiles, who has been through alot of what I have.. I have grown to know her also.. and she is an amazing person as well... FIT Personal Trainer is something that not has helped saved my life, but it has given me a future..

I just started studying to become FIT's 3rd trainer.. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be looking into doing this, but fitness, health, inspiring others has became a huge passion. 



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