Monday, January 28, 2013

Life... MakeYour Footprint!

I have typed, deleted, typed, deleted... over and over again.. I just decided to sit back and just think.  Think about where my life is now compared to just a year ago! LIFE... Its a crazy thing, and some say you have no control over it, but you are wrong.  I look at my life now like a book, if I'm unhappy with the direction of my current chapter is going, then I end it... Start a new chapter! Put the past in the past, let it tell your story... dont let it define you!

I'm 29 years old, single, selling cars, living with a good buddy of mine... Is this where I saw myself?? No... not even close.. but this is where I am at... The past can't be changed, all I can do is look towards the future and work my butt off to better myself. 

I set a goal a long time ago, saying I wanted to be totally self employed by the age of 35, well time is ticking and even if I don't get to that point, I will promise one thing... I worked my butt off trying! In the end its not about the goals you didn't meet, its about one thing.. One question you have to ask yourself... Did I do everything in my power and try my hardest to meet this goal? If you can honestly look at yourself and realized you tried your hardest then you should not be ashamed one bit. 

This past year has taught my alot about myself... I am sooo much stronger than I gave myself credit for... It is an amazing feeling just to love yourself and love life! Like I said, Im not content with where my life is.. Im gonna work my butt off everyday to better myself... and not only for me, but for my family...  My ultimate dreams is to have a family, and I know the work im doing right now is laying the foundation for my future! So when you dont happen to meet a goal you set, dont get down... Look in the mirror and ask yourself... Did I try my hardest? Then continue forward on your path! This is your life, your story... Make it memorable!

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