Tuesday, January 8, 2013

This is your life...

This is your life.. You can choose how this chapter ends and the next one starts... Believing in yourself is the first key to happiness! Although when I first started my journey, I didnt think it was possible and I was scared to fail. I didnt want to seem weak, I didnt want to reach out to anyone! I wanted to do it on my own. but I knew on my own I couldnt, no matter how strong I was, I am human! I'll make mistakes, have days when I feel worthless... So I decided to reach out, and that was the moment I started to see my future... See through my past and struggles and see the real me.
I believe people come into your life for a reason, its what you do when they come into life that will truly define you! Dont be afraid to fail or to fall... Some of the greatest people fail! Some of the greatest, strongest people ask for help! Don't let your pride get in the way of your future. This is in every aspect on life. Love, Work, Health, etc... If you are wanting to change... change... Dont keep saying... "Ill start Monday!" Do it today.. Reach out for help, the greatest motivation I have is from others! Hearing people say how I inspire them or just hearing them say they see a difference in me.. Its drives me and pushes me to work harder! I never use to embrace that, but now I do. I had to swallow my pride and put my past behind me, not to let it define me, but let it tell my story. Anyone can do anything they set their mind to, so dont give up.. Dont push people away who want to encourage or help you... This is your life, dont sit back and watch it pass you by.. get up and start writing your story and read it loudly for the world to hear!!! You might think its nothing, but to someone it could be everything! May 2013 bring you much happiness!

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