Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Looking back, so I can look forward!

As 2012 ended I looked back on the year. I never thought I would be on the path I was. At the beginning of the year I had given up on myself, thought I wasn't worth it... Most people dont know how I really felt. I never shared it with anyone! Until I was picked to go to LA to be a finalist for Season 3 of Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition.. I knew I had to quit hiding behind laughter and come nose to nose with my problems. I had let myself go, stopped caring, stopped loving myself. I looked happy to most people, but I was not.
When my journey started, I was scared, scared of failure. I've tried before, but this time was different. Meeting Chris Powell was huge for me, his passion for helping people motivated me to get moving. That week in LA I lost 26lbs! It was the start of the new me... The start of The Steele Project! As the year moved on I continued to grow and saw myself for who I truly was. 2012 ended like I never thought it would.. I was regaining my life.. starting to love myself.. and finding my self worth!!!! I was 150lbs lighter than I was when 2012 started.. I spent the last night of the year alot different than I have in the past. Usually I would be out at the bars, but this year I just kept it low key with some great new friends of mine.. It was a New Years ill always remember...
I look on to 2013, I know there will be struggle, pain, heartache, etc... but I also know all of those will be joy and comfort! I have big dreams and goals for 2013 and I wont let anyone get in my way.. I built walls in the past and didnt let people close to me, but I have taken those down and willing to forget my past so I can move on to the future... They call it a past for a reason! and if you dwell on that too long then you might miss out on something truly amazing!
May God bless you all with an amazing year... Keep pushing forward to your goals.. if you fall dont be afraid to grab someones hand that willing to help you up... That's what friends are for, to lean on and count on in times of need... ~JLS~

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